Friday, October 31, 2008

Texas Politics in the Presidential Race

It seems like everyone is paying attention to the presidential race this year. This is good news of course. The more people who are involved in politics the better. The more options that can be heard the more unbiased the results will be. What about the Texas government? With some many people focused on the presidential race, who is paying attention to what is happening in Texas? This editorial I found in the Dallas Morning News proves that someone knows what is going on. The author seems to be speaking to all of us that are wrapped up in the countries politics that we have forgotten our state.

With so many counties and politicians in Texas the author knows this can be confusing “Dizzying, yes, but these moving parts underscore why this election matters to Texas.” I had not realized how ignorant I was to Texas politics. The delicate balance held in the legislator can be tipped by a few counties. The most important counties in this race seem to be the large urban areas “If Harris County goes blue and Dallas County remains Democratic, a Democrat will have Texas' two largest urban bases from which to run. If Harris doesn't flip, Democrats will face a hard fight.” I’ve always viewed Texas as a Red state no questions. But it appears that my vote could help or hinder the Democrats from controlling the urban counties.

The author claims that too many Texans are not paying attention to Texas politics. I am ashamed to say that I am among them. I will attempt to heed this call and do my part in Texas politics as much if not more than I do for presidential politics.

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